<\\\/td> | ZADN\\u00dd H\\u00dd\\u013d - 0.30h \\u010cERTOVA HLAVA sedlo - 1:00h R\\u00c1ZCESTIE POD MUR\\u00c1\\u0147OM - 1:45h<\\\/td><\\\/tr><\\\/table>\",\"trails\":\"It is a crossroads of hiking trails in Slovak Paradise National Park.\"},\"videoss\":[],\"images\":[],\"imagesWysiwyg\":[{\"id\":\"258\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"predny-hyl-1-2014-06-06-7-58-01-jpg.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"},{\"id\":\"259\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"predny-hyl-2-2014-06-06-7-58-02-jpg.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"}]}"); window.modules = JSON.parse('[]'); Predny Hyl | Novoveská Huta - Hiking trails X Info -
- Ele: {{marker.alt}} m
- Lat: {{marker.lat}}
- Lng: {{marker.lon}}
| GERAVY - 0.28h KLAUZY - 1:00h DEDINKY - 1:10h SOKOLIA DOLINA start - 1:30h POD ČIŽMOU - 2:30h SPIŠSÉ TOMÁŠOVCE - 3:40h | | ZADNÝ HÝĽ - 0.30h ČERTOVA HLAVA sedlo - 1:00h RÁZCESTIE POD MURÁŇOM - 1:45h | Description It is a crossroads of hiking trails in Slovak Paradise National Park. Info : : : : € / Day Night Späť na marker Moja poloha |